Thursday, January 27, 2011

Where Is A Horses Clit

Dear Anonymous,

Have already heard several times that there should be such cases. So far I am
Today it is unfortunately come to an incident which led me to my comment function for all the "anonymous" yobs auzuschalten.
sorry as me for doing that have it put to good use for questions and comments to make.

Sun and now a small statement about the last 3 anonymous comments whose authors I know, since the person is apparently familiar enough with the PC in order to know the there are IP addresses, and these can be traced:

"love" nice "anonymous author,
It is herzallerliebst really like you and some others, seem) you for my life and the people who bewilderedly in the cage interested.
I can understand that you are bursting with envy and hate most, especially when the last of knowledge that you had to find out from me, unfortunately, that your life is apparently still not be so honest and perfectly as you have probably assumed.
Nevertheless I ask you politely me with your meaningless comments to be left alone, since I am no way for you or could be interested in your life, because it is too hypocritical for me, unfortunately, a lot, for which I envy it.
However, many greetings and it is sweet as you can upset you and the level is still after all 'the time something is risen;): * "


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