I was met by my friend Zina their blog.
So I have picked out my 10 favorite fast finishes. Since I have little time I could not schwatschen. Then we start again:
I already have already made a post about this paint because it is simply my favorites. This schimernde bright purple, divine, opacity of which I am totally convinced.
The next paint I beckommen given by Zina. I love the schimernde because the Nagel is entranced bernt simple. For this I must say the paint is a great opacity has
here in these The paint leaked a bit. He Schimert just like the other covering over us and he does so the difference I change the color of this I have a dark purple.
Because I am very colorful and bright colors may not be missing in my 49 finishes. I find the flashy paint immediately draw attention to themselves, so I have also 2 The neon green is very bright (for me). I like it
:-) Just
I am a Selena Gomez fan I've seen on a poster of her this paint and had to buy it myself. Beräut I do not have it I love this color, the blue with the glitz, I wear it nearly every time.
So there's my 10 favorite paints. The next days I love the Jule. I do not know them long but I find her blog just great so I have chosen them. Here you Blog * click *
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