Huhu dear ones:) I just wanted to say just who won the Christmas raffle! And it is love "Luise2lu. Congratulations and Merry from Christmas! =)) Please write with a YT-PN with your full name and your address =)
Huhu dear ones :-) First a "happy" Nicholas and I hope you all have Niko, saw the reindeer =)) Now to the topic: How now each Sunday of Advent, Christmas is a make-up! Today I chose the color brown. Because not everyone wants to have painted at Christmas Smokey Eyes.
Step by Step Tutorial:
Wear a Eyeshadow Base on
Matter beige 'e / s on the eyelid below the eyebrow
Shimmernder beige' e / s on the eyelid and the inner angle
Heller copper / Cappucino e / s in the inner crease
Shimmernder chocolate brown e / s intensity in the outer crease
for more (must not) Shimmernder coffee brown e / s with Pencilbrush as use point in the eyes of blind external angle and
with brown eyeliner, Geleyeliner or comparable Lidstich drag & Mascara
Hey The Love Nadine raffle on her blog for 6 months of existence, the Benefit Celebulante set:) And because I still have nothing except the Boi-ing concealer by Benefit own, I turn interest =)) I mean, who does not?
Here is the link to Nadine's Beauty Blog:
I wish you a very nice evening and a lot of fun on Nadine's blog:) Best wishes